Joplin note taking templates

I love Joplin as a note-taking and to-do application! So I created several Joplin note-taking templates, which I would like to share with you! Joplin can handle large numbers of notes organized into notebooks. Joplin is a great, free, and easy to use open-source note taking and to-do application. Created notes can be synchronized with multi-platform clients across various cloud services. Joplin templates make it even easier for you to quickly create new notes within the Joplin desktop app. You can also insert templates into existing notes.

I uploaded them to my Joplin Templates Git-Hub pages here.

How to use Joplin templates?
– Download the template you would like to use.
– Create a templates folder in Joplin’s config folder (File->Templates->Open template directory).
– Place the downloaded Markdown template file into the templates folder.
– Refresh the templates within Joplin (File->Templates->Refresh templates).
– Start using the Templates from the menu (File->Templates).

Suggestions for improving this article are welcome, please let me know and drop me a line.